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15 Powerful Les Brown Quotes To Achieve Anything In Life

Les Brown is a motivational and inspirational speaker who is widely famous around the world. Check out the collection of famous and powerful Les Brown Quotes…

Les Brown Quotes

Les Brown is one of the most Inspirational and Successful person in the world. Better known as an American politician, he is also an author, motivational speaker, DJ, and TV host.

He has seen years of financial and professional struggle since his childhood. But his never give up attitude and self-belief changed his life. As a result, people started loving his powerful voice and speeches.

15 Powerful Les Brown Quotes To Fire You Up

Les Brown got famous for delivering inspirational and motivational speeches to the public. He reminds us to leave mediocrity and live a superior level of life.

He remind us to never leave hope and give 100% in every moment.

Check out some of the most famous Les Brown Quotes of all time:

“Do what is easy and your life will be hard. Do what is hard and your life will become a lot easy.” – Les Brown

Well, most of us prefer to do easier things first and try to stay in our comfort zone. That limits our chances of growth and life becomes harder in the later stage. By choosing the difficult things first, we learn and grow fast, and as a result, life tends to get easier.

“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” – Les Brown

This quote is very simple to understand. Les Brown tells us to help others in achieving their dreams and they will help you to achieve yours.

Consider it this way; You offer a weight loss solution to obese people. Their dream is to lose weight and your dream is to make money by selling the product. That’s an easy win-win situation for both.

“It has been said, most people die at age 25 and don’t get buried until they are 65.” – Les Brown

Les Brown Quotes

One may find it hard to decode but we got your back. Brown says that people die at 25 and don’t get buried until 65. This means people start losing interest in their goals and dreams when they turn 25 and start working to fulfilling others’ dreams. They keep on living a life with no goals till 65 and then die.

This one is quite a meaningful and powerful quotes of Les Brown.

“Think big when you set your goals. Dare to think big and then set a series of smaller goals to get you there.” – Les Brown

Here Les Brown talks about the mindset while setting up the goals. People usually think small and plan smaller goals. But the real thing is to plan big and take smaller steps to achieve those bigger goals.

“The greatest revenge is a massive and bigger success.” – Les Brown

Brown says the greatest revenge is to achieve more than your competitors. Keep their mouth shuts by your massive success. Just stay quiet and work on your goals and dreams until you achieve them.

“You need to make a commitment, and once you make it. Then life will give you some answers.” – Les Brown

Whenever you manifest something in your mind, the whole universe tries to help you get that thing. That’s the power of mind manifestation and commitment. You need to take a stand in your life, you need to commit towards your goals.

“You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life.” – Les Brown

Les Brown Quotes

Well, it cannot get easier than this. Brown tries to convince that there are no real obstacles as such except the ones created by you in your life. One can live a fulfilled and happier life if they won’t create self problems and obstacles in their own journey.

“In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” – Les Brown

Every day has 24 hours which consists of 1,440 minutes. According to Brown, every minute gives you a new opportunity to make a positive and powerful impact in your life. The more you wait for the right time to start things up, the more chances you lose. So, try to identify the suitable and right opportunities which comes along your way on a minute to minute basis.

“We have to live life with a sense of urgency so not a minute is wasted.” – Les Brown

Here Les Brown says that living a life with a sense of urgency can do wonders for you. Every minute counts in life and you should not be wasting any of it. A sense of urgency means, waking up early, not piling things for the end, maintaining deadlines, etc.

Let’s consider an example, you’re a night owl, and it’s hard for you to wake up early without an alarm. You’ve tried hundreds of times to get up early in the morning, but that’s not really your cup of tea. Now on next day you have got a date with your mate, do you think you really need an alarm to wake early that day. Think of it yourself!. That’s a true sense of urgency.

“Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.” – Les Brown

This is one of the most motivational quotes of Les Brown. He says that most people fail in life because they set smaller goals and achieve them. They’re afraid to aim for higher goals and think they’ll miss them. Life gives you a chance to think as big as possible, just don’t set too small targets for yourself. Never ever satisfy yourself with a comfortable life.

Think Big. Fail Big. Achieve Big.

That’s it in this article. We hope you loved the collection of Les Brown Quotes. We’re sure some of them will help to inspire and motivate you to achieve big things in life. Stay strong and build rock-solid confidence in your personality.

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