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25 Positive And Smart Ways To Live A Happier Life

Are you struggling to stay joyful and happier in life? Wealthy Voice presents you the simple life changing ways that will bring back happiness in your life…

How To Live A Happier Life

There’s no bread and butter secret to always stay happier in life. Work pressure, hanging relationships, lack of money and time, makes one feel drain easily.

We often set goals and promises our inner-self to achieve them, the result; we lose our focus in the middle of those goals. This feeling of not achieving a milestone leads to anxiety and stress, which is the real cause of unhappiness in life.

With all the weird things happening on a daily basis, one should not forget to stay happy and healthy. There are many smart and easy techniques to make changes in your life. Just remember, happiness does not require a lot of money, all it needs inner motivation and desire.

“The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.” – William Saroyan

Below are the simple secrets and proven-techniques which leads to a healthy and happy lifestyle.

25 Positive And Smart Techniques To Live A Happier Life:

1. Show Gratitude

The meaning of Gratitude is simple, “the state of being grateful”. The power of practising gratitude is enough to bring a change in your daily routine. A life without gratitude is often an unfilled, unhappy and boring life.

When you start showing gratitude towards others, you’ll find that you’re actually quite satisfied with what you have already in your life.

2. Love What You Do

Ever wondered that you’ve stopped loving the things that you used to love in your childhood? Be it playing outdoor games, swimming, reading books, playing the violin or daydreaming. You’re so busy that you don’t even remember your hobbies anymore.

When you’ll start doing those things which you loved, your life will be filled with joy. Imagine, no more boring mornings and tiring office work, just you and your passion.

3. Forget And Forgive

Thinking and stressing about the bad things which have already been done, will only going to make your mood low. There’s no way to deal with bad past and live with it.

Just learn how to forget the rude behaviour of people and try to forgive them. Focus on your present and future, and soon you’ll start seeing massive changes in your life.

4. Eliminate Negative Thinking

No rocket science is required to understand that negative thinking always brings you down. You need to take a deeper look inside to find out the things that are keeping you low.

It’s time to become more aware of those feelings and try replacing them with positive vibes. The only way to get rid of negative thinking is to spend more time with positive people and less time with negative ones.

5. Smile Much More

It’s difficult to express smile when your inner life is dealing with bad stuff. But as you’ve heard the famous quote, “Fake it, till you make it”.

When you start practicing smiling more, you’ll see how much it affects you internally. Not only this smiling habit will change you, but it will also attract people around you.

6. Be Giving

Always capture opportunities to give others. Even if they’re small things such as sharing food, assisting friends in need, giving to poor or volunteering at events, act of giving is very powerful in acquiring eternal happiness.

When you’ll realize that you’re making difference to people lives, you’ll be in cloud 9.

7. Acquire More Sleep

One of the most common ways of staying unhappy is due to lack of enough sleep. Figure it out how many sleeping hours do you need in order to stay fresh and fit. A common number lies between 7 to 8 hours of daily sleep.

If you sleep less than 7 hours per day, there are strong chances that you’ll feel sleep-deprived and lazy the whole day.

Check out: How sleeping more can make you successful?

8. Eat Well And Healthy

Scientists claimed that eating too much spicy and oily foods can make the human mind lazy and anxious. It also leads to a depressed mindset and unhappy behaviour.

Try eating out fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. The flow of nutrients and vitamins will keep you fresh and happy throughout the day. Providing healthy food to your body is the best step to live a happier life.

9. Exercise More

There’s no way of feeling happy about yourself when you’re either too fat or too thin. It’s a bitter truth to digest, but no one feels good with uneven body shape.

Exercising and burning calories can keep your body fit and in shape for a longer time. Try playing outdoor games in order to combine joy with exercise.


10. Declutter Your Mind

Brain is like a spider’s web. The more it is free, the more it thinks. It’s very important to declutter your mind every day. Start with taking a deep sleep, and avoid negative thinking and practice is daily. Focus on the positive memories that happened with you in past, and start reliving those moments again.

A daily 10 min routine of decluttering the mind can do wonders for you. You’ll be amazed to see how much your life changes when there are lesser things going in your mind.

11. Find Work-Life Balance

Yes, this is a common reason to stay unhappy, as there is no balance between your life and work. Longer working hours in the office, shorter weekends can make anyone feel unhappy.

However, if you find out a little time daily to peruse your passion and hobbies, your stress will reduce and the flow of dopamine will increase. Find out the things that will awake you in the morning without looking at the alarm watch.

12. Plan Short Weekend Trips

Who doesn’t love trips or treks? They’re so refreshing that one almost forgets about his work load and stress. Trips make you excited and connects you with yourself.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Holmes

Every year plan for at least 5-6 short weekend trips and 2-3 longer trips. Take vacations, apply for holidays and explore the places where you’ve never been to before.

13. Have A Bigger Vision

A life without vision is like a smartphone without the internet. Life will go on but it won’t have a purpose to achieve. A vision keeps you on track and enables your mind to think accordingly. It starts connecting your decisions and choices with your longer-term goals.

Take some time and figure it out what do you want to achieve in life. Make plans and set up goals to achieve your vision. Once you’ll start seeing yourself closer to your vision, you’ll start feeling happier and excited.

14. Spend Time With Friends & Family

This is probably the most important thing in someone’s life, to start spending time with their loved ones. Whenever you start feeling depressed or sad, open up with the ones that care about you. They’re the ones who know how to excite your mood and keep you happy.


Block some time in a week or two and spend the entire day with them. Share moments, hangout with them, go to movies, clubs and feel refreshed. Keep this thing as a priority in your life and you’ll start experiencing a much happier lifestyle.

15. Celebrate Little Victories

Life is a game of failures and wins. It’s up to you how you treat both the things. From failures, you learn the areas of improvement. From wins, you learn to become more focus and discipline.

When you start celebrating smaller victories in life, such as hitting for a gym, early morning exercise, dieting, reading, take time to celebrate those tiny moments. Give a pat to your back and start appreciating yourself.

16. Stop Procrastination

This is something which delays your work and happiness. Being a procrastinated person and delaying things for a longer period of time, will only make you lazy and ignorant. Try to stick to your goals and finish them before the due date.

Do not pile up things for the end moment. It’s better to plan things properly and find out some personal time for yourself. To live a happier life, you need to let go procrastination.

17. Practice Meditation

We’re sure that you’ve heard that meditation can help to calm and control the mind. It’s true to some extent as many people don’t know how to practice proper mediation.

It requires a calmer environment, a good place and most importantly, a relaxing mind. It will take time to discover the wonders of meditation, but once you’ll find out, you’ll never find other reasons to stay happier. Remember, meditation is the alternative of medication.

18. Invest In Yourself

When was the last time you read a book or took a short course to develop your skills?

You might be thinking of the office upskilling training but they are not enough. Just remember, finding a job or business is not the end of your learning curve. Go and start reading financial books, start taking crash courses and develop yourself. An updated and knowledgeable person acts like a magnet and attracts his/her peers.

19. Spend Less. Save More

You’ve heard this short quote a number of times, but it’s the truth that lack of money in your account will make you feel unhappy. Even if you have a good amount of funds in your pocket, it still feels less, human tendency, you know.

To get rid of the feeling-not-rich thoughts, you need to start saving and investing. Stop spending on things which you don’t even need. Cut down on expenses and having more money at the end of the month, will surely bring a wide smile to your face.

“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” – Warren Buffett

20. Grab Drinks And Go Drunk

Whenever you start feeling drowsy or tired, go to social clubs and enjoy the nights. Go grab drinks and forget about the boring week you’ve struggled with. When nothing works out, forget everything, and enjoy the aroma of cans and beers.

But remember, drinking too much alcohol is not good for your health. It’s just a temporary taste of happiness, which don’t even last till the next day.

21. Be Social

Socializing is an important part of human’s life and one thing which brings a wave of happiness in lifestyle. Meeting with friends, making new connections, discussing plans, planning road trips all count under socializing.

Interact with like-minded people like you and see how your mood changes. There are many people out there who badly need friends and companion.

22. Find A Partner

This one is quite interesting. Some people are unhappy only because of their partners, and some are unhappy just because they don’t have a companion to spend time with. At one stage of life, it becomes important to have the support of someone who can understand you and share your feelings.

Take your time to find the right person for yourself and you’ll surely find happiness back in your life.

23. Enjoy Being Solo

There will be times when your friends and family won’t understand you and you’ll start feeling alone in the sea of people. It happens with everybody and most people find themselves in depression.

To ease down the situation, you should go for a solo walk or trip in the mountains or woods and feel the calmness of nature. Take fresh air, feel energized and appreciate the beauty of nature. When you’ll start realizing the power of being alone, your mind will fill out with joy and confidence.

“I think it’s good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.” – Amy Sedaris

24. Accept Imperfection

There is no one on this Earth, who is perfect in everything. Even Edison failed 1000 number of times before producing the right invention, which later changed the world.

Accept your imperfection, Be yourself and you’ll soon see the difference. When you stop expecting to be perfect in every work you do, you’ll find your strengths more quickly. Remember, you’re not a robot machine but a human being, mistakes are part of this journey.

25. Be Thankful

Last but not least. Always be thankful for what you have in your life. You might have less money, fewer opportunities, fewer friends, fewer holidays, but everyone is lacking something.

People who focus on the things they have, the ones who show gratitude, are the ones who are more optimistic and happier from inside. They don’t need any motivation from outside to keep them happy. They are the ones who inspire others to stay joyful.

So be grateful and enjoy the journey of life!


We now hope you can find the right ways to stay happier in life.

You don’t need a lot of changes to do right away with your life. Just practice with small changes and see how they bring positive energy to your life. You’ll start feeling more energized, relax, calm and of course, happier.

Here’s a quick recap of the 25 Smart Ways To Live A Happier Life:

  1. Show Gratitude
  2. Love What You Do
  3. Forget And Forgive
  4. Eliminate Negative Thinking
  5. Smile Much More
  6. Be Giving
  7. Acquire More Sleep
  8. Eat Well And Healthy
  9. Exercise More
  10. Declutter Your Mind
  11. Find Work-Life Balance
  12. Plan Short Weekend Trips
  13. Have A Bigger Vision
  14. Spend Time With Friends & Family
  15. Celebrate Little Victories
  16. Stop Procrastination
  17. Practice Meditation
  18. Invest In Yourself
  19. Spend Less. Save More
  20. Grab Drinks And Go Drunk
  21. Be Social
  22. Find A Partner
  23. Enjoy Being Solo
  24. Accept Imperfection
  25. Be Thankful

“Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy.” – Cynthia Nelms

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